Thursday, December 2, 2010

River Teeth Revisited

Dear BCSE Participants and Parents,

Several weeks ago,  Michael West, Elisabeth Dee and Jonah Moreland presented their individual experiences on BCSE to the Upper School student body during assembly.  With beautiful articulation and each in their own unique way, they captured moments of the BCSE journey and made them momentarily accessible to their peers.  They chose their most precious river teeth, dug them out of the loamy old growth forest soil, and held them up to the light for all to see. 

Please follow the links below to read their evocative, poetic and stirringly honest tribute to our shared experience.  You will not be disappointed.  I have also included a link to the pre-assembly slideshow, with never-seen-before images by Mr. Harris.

Michael West's Talk

Elisabeth Dee's Talk

Jonah Moreland's Talk 

Pre-Assembly Slideshow

As you know, we are offering the Inside Passage Sailing Adventure in Summer 2011.  It bears mentioning that this trip was inspired by your conversation in Octopus Cove, where you asked a very simple and profound question - why don't we keep going?  Well, this coming summer, we are going to do just that - keep going, for six weeks, along one of the most remote, wild and stunningly beautiful coastlines left in the world.  I hope you will be able to join us on this epic journey that you had the vision and courage to suggest.

Thank you for the memories forged in shared adventure.  Thank you for the inspiration for future adventure.  Thank you for the river teeth.

Commodore Cole