Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Solemn Tranquility - Michael West

The following poem is shared with Michael's permission.

Solemn Tranquility

Listen. Listen.  Can you hear
the wind, rushing through those trees there?
Doesn't it just calm your soul?
And beckon you to come on home.
But I cannot, my heart is tied
down to what time's made mine:

To the mountains, to the heat,
forever my joy to repeat.

But if I were to let it go,
and you inside my breast to grow,
I would discover hidden delight,
one that comes at evening's last light.
So I drink in what I can for now
and soak in the sunlight under your boughs.
I think, I ponder, I hope, I pray.
The future, the moment, of yesterday.

What shall happen when that time comes
when I must return to where I've come from?

I shall remember thy sweet breeze
that created serene melody.
And wish for time for my return
Until I come again, to learn.

Michael West

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